REVIVAL IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Revival has officially come to House of Praise in Bowling Green, FL! Today, March 26th at 10:30 AM is our first service! We have service tonight at 6:30 PM!
The week’s services are as follows:
Monday – Saturday: 7 PM
Shane Tenney, Pastor Matt Stunkard, and Phil Lodini will be preaching the revival this week.
Do you want to experience a move of God? Do you need Deliverance, Healing, Salvation, Filled with The Holy Spirit & Fire, etc?
Revival starts with YOU! Be ready to worship and give the Lord Praise! Let’s focus on our relationship with Christ, and focus on CHRIST! Let’s get the idea of “religion” out of the way. It’s about our RELATIONSHIP with Christ! Let’s come and experience the Fire of the Holy Spirit! Let’s experience a divine appointment with God and experience what GOD has for all of us!!
Come out to House of Praise! We are located at 3920 Murray Road in Bowling Green off of 17, behind the Bowling Green Church of God. Look for these AMAZING new signs!